What’s the Difference Between a Disciple and Apostle?
In general terms, a disciple is a follower of a teacher. Most of us can look back over our school years and point to one or two teachers who had an impact on our lives and education. We attempted to absorb all that they had to teach us…

Where Did Evil Come From?
According to the Bible, an angel created by God (Satan or Lucifer) was the first creature to bring evil into the universe. But the question arises how this good creature, created by a good God, living in a good universe, could choose evil. God did not cause Satan to sin, so who caused Satan to sin?…

How Can I Cope With a Loved One Committing Suicide?
One of the greatest pains a person can face is the loss of a loved one to suicide…

Does God Have a Good Purpose for all Evil?
Many Christians and non-Christians, alike, struggle with why God would allow so much seemingly senseless evil in the world. When a child is buried in the waters of a tsunami, how can there possibly be any good purpose for that? Can’t an all-powerful God do better?…

Why Would God Say: “I Have Hated Esau…”?
Several months ago, you answered a question on things that God “hates” based on Proverbs 6:16. That was most enlightening to me and helped me understand this passage more fully. Recently, I was reading in Malachi 1:2-3, and it has, in part, these words of God: “I have loved Jacob; but I have hated Esau….”

How Long is Eternity?
Let’s stop and ask the question, “How long is eternity?” How long will I exist either with or without the eternal rewards God wants me to have? If you’re a non-Christian, how long will you exist in hell?…

Is the Church Sexist Towards Women?
These two passages deal with women in the church. In Corinthians 14, women are to keep silent in church, and if they want to learn anything, they ask their husbands at home. In 1Timothy, it says much the same thing and includes women not teaching or exercising any authority over men…