Biblical Prophecy

4 Ways Bible Prophecy Matters Today

By JA Show Staff / August 29, 2019

The Bible’s prophecies are sometimes obscure and confusing. Do they have any relevance for today? Prophecy makes up over one-fourth of the Bible’s content. While many Bible prophecies have already…

Has the Destruction of Damascus Been Fulfilled?

By John Ankerberg Show Staff / March 5, 2019

Recent prophecy books and speakers have highlighted the Bible’s prediction of the destruction of Damascus mentioned in Isaiah 17. Because Damascus is in Syria and Syria has been undergoing a period of war, certain prophecy experts have made the connection that the war in Syria is the fulfillment of Isaiah 17. However, there is significant evidence to support that the fulfillment of Isaiah 17 has already taken place.

Is It Possible to Take the Mark of the Beast and Be Saved?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / February 22, 2019

Revelation 13:15-18 describes a future time that will take place during the seven-year tribulation that will follow the rapture of believers from the earth. What is the mark of the beast?

What Does the Bible Say about the Identity of the Antichrist?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / February 12, 2019

The Bible mentions a future world leader known as the Antichrist who will foster global unity, yet also oppose God. Many people have sought to discover what the Bible says about this future Antichrist. What information does Scripture share?

When Will the Events of Ezekiel 38 Occur?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / December 7, 2018

Ezekiel 38 foretells a time when surrounding nations will come against Israel in military battle. When will these events occur? The main options are in the past, in the future before the rapture, or after the rapture.

Who Are the Nations in Ezekiel 38?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / December 7, 2018

The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshek and Tubal; prophesy against him and say: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against you, Gog, chief prince of Meshek and Tubal.

What’s the Best Way to Approach Studying Different Theories on the Rapture?

By John Ankerberg Show Staff / July 27, 2018

Sometimes you read something by a pre-tribulationist and you say, “That really sounds convincing.” Then you pick up something by a mid-tribulationist and you say, “Well, that sounds good, too.” And then a little while later, you hear a post-tribulationist give a sermon and you say, “He really sounds like he’s on target, too.” How do you make up your mind as to which position is right and which position is wrong?

What Will the Antichrist Do?

By John Ankerberg Show Staff / June 14, 2018

According to Daniel 9:27, “and he [referring to the Antichrist] shall confirm the covenant with many for one week”—literally for one seven. Now, there is an interesting implication of this. Many have thought that the event which will actually start the seven-year Tribulation period—or if you want to call it the seven-year 70th week of Daniel 9 that we’re reading about here—that the event that will actually start that will be the Rapture of the Church.

Is the 70th Anniversary of Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy?

By JA Show Staff / May 18, 2018

This week, Israel celebrates the 70thyear of its rebirth as a modern nation. On May 14, 2018, the exact date of Israel’s return as a nation, the United States opened…

The Rapture: Determining Which Position is Right and Which is Wrong

By JA Show Staff / March 1, 2017

Sometimes you read something by a pre-tribulationist and you say, “That really sounds convincing.” Then you pick up something by a mid-tribulationist and you say, “Well, that sounds good, too.”…

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