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Should Christians Fast Today?

The ancient practice of fasting has become popular again among many health and wellness leaders. Does the biblical practice of fasting continue to serve a role for believers today? Should Christians fast?


How Old Was Jesus When He Died?

A Timeline of the Birth and Death of Jesus Much debate has surrounded the timing of the events surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus. One aspect includes His age when He died. How old did Jesus live on earth? The Date of His Death To determine the answer to this question, we must investigate…


How Many People Saw Jesus Alive Again?

Christians base their faith on the belief Jesus physically and litearily rose from the dead. But who were the people who saw Jesus alive again? How many people saw Him? To answer, we can look at the biblical passages that mention His resurrection appearances. As we do, we can then count the number of people…


Can I Date a Non-Christian?

Questions like these can be difficult to address because they always have so many emotions tied to them. Although the Bible does not directly address the subject of dating, it does talk quite a bit about marriage. And isn’t marriage the ultimate goal of dating? Even if you are only casually dating, it is always…


When Was Easter?

A Brief Timeline of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Many have debated the exact times of the death and resurrection of Jesus. What can we determine from both Scripture and history to help us discover the most likely times of these important events? First, Jesus died when Pilate was Governor. Historical research regarding Pilate…


3 Ways to Answer with “Gentleness and Respect”

1 Peter 3:15 is often noted as the basis for defending the Christian worldview. However, Peter immediately follows this verse with revealing words about the way we defend our faith. The text of verses 15-16 read: But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks…


Has the Destruction of Damascus Been Fulfilled?

Recent prophecy books and speakers have highlighted the Bible’s prediction of the destruction of Damascus mentioned in Isaiah 17. Because Damascus is in Syria and Syria has been undergoing a period of war, certain prophecy experts have made the connection that the war in Syria is the fulfillment of Isaiah 17. However, there is significant evidence to support that the fulfillment of Isaiah 17 has already taken place.


Is It Possible to Take the Mark of the Beast and Be Saved?

Revelation 13:15-18 describes a future time that will take place during the seven-year tribulation that will follow the rapture of believers from the earth. What is the mark of the beast?


Did Jesus and the Apostle Paul Teach the Same Gospel?

Did Jesus and the Apostle Paul teach the same gospel? Some religious scholars have argued the apostle Paul presented a gospel that was different from the message of Jesus. Is this true? While Paul’s message did focus on a different group of people, his message was consistent with the teachings of Jesus. How do we…


The Faith of America’s Presidents

As we approach Presidents’ Day, we are reminded of the important role of our nation’s leaders
since its founding in 1776. From George Washington to Abraham Lincoln to those who govern
today, the lives and actions of these presidents have greatly impacted our nation and world.
Yet few recognize the vital role faith has played in the lives of many American presidents.