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What did Jesus do that only God can do?

Was Jesus Really God? What did Jesus do that only God can do? In Matthew 16, Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man (referring to himself) is?” They responded with several ideas they had heard: that Jesus was really John the Baptist, or perhaps Elijah, or Jeremiah or one of…


Was Jesus Really God? Scriptures that show Jesus is fully God

Was Jesus Really God? Scriptures that show Jesus is fully God R.L. Wilson   In Matthew 16, Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man (referring to himself) is?” They responded with several ideas they had heard: that Jesus was really John the Baptist, or perhaps Elijah, or Jeremiah or one…


Was Jesus Really God? Scriptures that show Jesus claimed to be God

Was Jesus Really God? Scriptures that show Jesus claimed to be God R.L. Wilson In Matthew 16, Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man [referring to himself] is?” They responded with several ideas they had heard: that Jesus was really John the Baptist, or perhaps Elijah, or Jeremiah or one…


Where in the Bible Does Jesus Claim to be God?

Where in the Bible Does Jesus Claim to be God? Jesus Christ is so foundational to Christianity, shouldn’t we know what He claimed? When we consider all the great religious teachers, leaders, and prophets who have ever lived, who is the equal of Jesus? Not Moses, Confucius, Buddha, or Lao Tse (Taoism), who never claimed…


Jesus, Son of Mary

Jesus, Son of Mary R.L. Wilson   There is no doubt that Jesus claimed to be God. There is no doubt he said and did many things that proved he was God. But Jesus was also human. He was both God and man. Luke 1:30-35 tells us about how Jesus could be both God and…


The Resurrection of Jesus

The Resurrection of Jesus Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? By R.L. Wilson   Christians around the world have recently celebrated Easter, a time when we remember that Jesus died on the cross then rose again. But every year some groups of scholars attempt to deny the resurrection as a true event in history,…


Did Jesus Really Live on the Earth?

Did Jesus Really Live on the Earth? R.L. Wilson   In his book Know What You Believe, Dr. Paul Little says, “Buddha is not essential to the teaching of Buddhism, or Muhammad to Islam, but everything about Christianity is determined by the person and work of Jesus Christ” (p. 54). All the teachings of Christianity…


What Did the Writers Think About the Bible?

What Did the Writers Think About the Bible? R.L. Wilson   For Christians, those who are followers of Jesus, the Bible is more than just a book. For them, the Bible is the word of God. In the Bible God tells us many things about Himself and what His plans are for the world, for…


Where Can We Learn About God?

Where Can We Learn About God? R.L. Wilson   Getting to know God is very important. The Bible says He made us and that He has plans for us. But someone may ask, “If we can’t see God, how can we learn anything about Him?” If someone wants to know about God, He has given…


The Bible

The Bible R.L. Wilson   The Bible is a collection of 66 books written over hundreds of years by many different authors. But every book of the Bible speaks about the same person – the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And every book of the Bible tells us something God expects from the people…