Answers to Questions

No question is off-limits, and the answers reveal how God interacts with us in every area of our lives.

How Reliable is the Modern Bible?

By Dr. Norman Geisler / June 5, 2018

Nowhere in the Bible is there a promise of purity of the text of Scripture throughout history, but there is a great deal of evidence that suggests that the Bibles we read are extremely close to the original, inspired manuscripts that the prophets and apostles wrote.

What Are the Apocrypha and the Gnostic Gospels?

By Dr. Norman Geisler / June 5, 2018

The Apocrypha is a set of books written between the third century B.C. and the first century A.D. It consists of fourteen books (fifteen if you divide the books differently) which are found in the several ancient copies of important Greek translations of the Old Testa­ment and reflect some of the Jewish tradition and history that came after the time of Malachi (the last Old Testament prophet)…

Why Would God Say: “I Have Hated Esau…”?

By Rev. Sam Harris / June 5, 2018

Several months ago, you answered a question on things that God “hates” based on Proverbs 6:16. That was most enlightening to me and helped me understand this passage more fully. Recently, I was reading in Malachi 1:2-3, and it has, in part, these words of God: “I have loved Jacob; but I have hated Esau….”

What Makes the Bible Unique?

By Dr. John Ankerberg / June 5, 2018

The Bible is clearly the most influential book the world has ever known. Abraham Lincoln called it “the best gift God has given to man.” Patrick Henry said, “It is worth all other books which were ever printed.”…

How Long is Eternity?

By John Ankerberg Show Staff / June 5, 2018

Let’s stop and ask the question, “How long is eternity?” How long will I exist either with or without the eternal rewards God wants me to have? If you’re a non-Christian, how long will you exist in hell?…

Is the Church Sexist Towards Women?

By Rev. Sam Harris / June 5, 2018

These two passages deal with women in the church. In Corinthians 14, women are to keep silent in church, and if they want to learn anything, they ask their husbands at home. In 1Timothy, it says much the same thing and includes women not teaching or exercising any authority over men…

How was the Bible Put Together?

By Dr. Norman Geisler / June 4, 2018

How do we know that the sixty-six books of the Bible are the only writings that should be included in Scripture? What about the Apocrypha, or the Gnostic gospels? Why shouldn’t they be included? The answer lies in the idea of canonicity…

Do You Need the Bible to Know God Exists?

By Jim Virkler / June 4, 2018

Not according to the Bible, which is telling since the Bible is a holy book. There are at least a handful of passages in the Bible which teach that a person comes to know that a Creator God exists by just observing the natural world…

Why Does God Allow Natural Disasters?

By Jim Virkler / June 4, 2018

With recent hurricanes, earthquakes, fires and other natural disasters devastating many around our world,  numerous people are asking, “Why does God allow suffering through natural disasters?” The Bible does not record a direct explanation regarding the purpose of such events, but does address some of the reasons natural disasters occur…

How Do We Know Jesus Died from the Crucifixion?

By John Ankerberg Show Staff / June 4, 2018

Crucifixion seems to have been invented by the Persians, who transmitted it to the Carthaginians, from whom the Romans learned it. It was the ultimate Roman punishment for slaves and provincials, but it was not used for Roman citizens…

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