Worldview & Culture

The Bible has much to say about how we live within our social and cultural environment.

Easter 2020 – The Social Distancing Version

By R. L. Wilson / April 8, 2020

Easter is cancelled this year. Well, not exactly. What we will have to do without is the trappings of Easter—the Easter Egg hunts, the sunrise services, the family ham dinner,…

How Will Church Change After the Coronavirus?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / April 8, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has altered much of life, including life within the church. A year ago, who would have believed nearly every church would only offer livestream services or shut…

A Biblical Perspective on the Coronavirus: Is This the End?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / March 23, 2020

Our culture—and world—have experienced and an unprecedented upheaval unseen in our generation. What began as a “growing concern” in the Wuhan province of China has expanded into the lockdown of…

Is It Wrong for Men to Have Long Hair?

By John Ankerberg Show Staff / March 18, 2020

Is It Wrong for Men to Have Long Hair? Some have argued the Bible commands that men should not have long hair. Is this true? What does the Bible say…

A Reasoned Response to the Coronavirus

By R. L. Wilson / March 17, 2020

What should a Christian response to the Coronavirus look like? There is so much misinformation available today about COVID-19. Social media is filled with panicked messages and outlandish suggestions for…

How Should Christians Vote?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / March 9, 2020

Christians receive an opportunity in American culture to participate in the selection of elected officials. Though the Bible does not offer examples of democratic elections and how to participate, it…

Conceived of the Holy Spirit, Born of the Virgin Mary

By JA Show Staff / January 6, 2020

Let’s acknowledge right from the start that the virgin birth of Jesus is a difficult doctrine to wrap your mind around. After all, how many virgins do you know who have ever gotten pregnant – while retaining their virginity?

Rethinking the Christmas Story – Slightly

By JA Show Staff / December 20, 2019

But as I thought more about it, I think there’s something else about Christmas that needs to be rethought – or at least re-remembered.

I Believe in… God’s Only Son

By JA Show Staff / December 18, 2019

According to the Apostles’ Creed, Jesus is “God’s only Son.” At this point some of you may be saying, “But wait a minute! The Bible says that anyone who believes…

Local Chattanooga Artist Depicts Light In the Darkness

By R. L. Wilson / December 18, 2019

There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a Witness to the light.

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