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Christmas Through the Eyes of Simeon

Simeon is often left out of the Christmas story. He did not visit baby Jesus in the manger. He received no visit from angels. He did not arrive with gifts like the wise men from the east. Yet his role stands as vital in the unfolding fulfilment of biblical prophecy regarding Jesus as the coming…


Matthew, the Magi, and the Majesty of Jesus

The magi (sometimes referred to as the “wise men” or the “three kings”) are a mysterious bunch. Although we are not given many details about them, Matthew (the only biblical author to mention them) does have much to show us through their journey to Christ. Here are four themes for us to reflect upon as…


Angels: What Do They Know?

Many years ago, I shared a house for a time with my youngest brother and sister. During that time my brother got a job with a local company that manufactured children’s clothing. Within weeks, my sister and I noticed an odd consequence of Tim’s job. When we were in a store going past racks of…


Are You Satisfied?

“It is Christ alone who supplies all the spiritual needs of all believers.”[1] Does that ring true to you? Do you find yourself entirely satisfied spiritually in Christ, or are you still looking, searching, for something to fill in the missing pieces? Are You Satisfied? If you are still unsatisfied, what is it about your…


Mary, What Did You Know

We just don’t know a lot about Mary, the young woman who would become the mother of Jesus. We assume from historical records that she was fairly young, perhaps 14 or 15 years old, since that was the age when most young girls became engaged.

Prophet Anna (probably Rembrandts mother, Neeltgen Willemsdr van Zuydtbroeck (d. 1640) 
*oil on panel 
*60 x 48 cm 
*signed b.l.: RHL 1631

Anna: Witness to the Messiah

When Joseph and Mary brought their infant son Jesus to the temple eight days after His birth, they were greeted by two people about whom we know very little—other than the fact that they were at the temple.


Christmas Through the Eyes of Joseph

Imagine the first Christmas through the eyes of Joseph. A young carpenter in small-town Nazareth, his life was turned upside down when he discovered the woman he planned to marry was pregnant. After initially preparing to break off their wedding plans, God gave Joseph a dream telling him to stay with Mary. The angel in…


The Genealogies of Jesus

What relevance do the genealogies of Jesus have for believers today? We’ve all done it. We open our Bible to Matthew 1 and settle down to begin our reading plan of the New Testament. We are eager to learn all we can about Jesus, the one who came and died on the cross for our…


For Thine is the Kingdom

Most commentators suggest that these words were not included in the model prayer given by Jesus and recorded in Matthew 6 and Luke 11. Albert Mohler explains, “As a result of studying ancient manuscripts, scholars now believe with some certainty that these words were probably a later addition to the Lord’s Prayer. Since the Lord’s Prayer seems to end rather abruptly, Christians in the early church added a doxology to the end of the prayer so as to give God the final word of praise in corporate worship settings.”[1]


7 Days of Thanksgiving – Final Day

Conclusion: A Song of Thanksgiving – Psalm 100 (Amplified Bible) Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness and delight; Come before His presence with joyful singing. Know and fully recognize with gratitude that the Lord Himself is God; It is he who has made us, not we ourselves [and…