New Testament

What Has Happened to Christianity?

By R. L. Wilson / February 2, 2021

We read in Acts 11:26, “And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.”

The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin

By R. L. Wilson / December 15, 2020

“Let us mark what kind of Being the Redeemer of mankind must needs be, in order to provide eternal redemption for sinners. If no one less than the Eternal God, the Creator and Preserver of all things, could take away the sin of the world, sin must be a far more abominable thing in the sight of God than most men suppose.”[1]

Mary, What Did You Know

By R. L. Wilson / November 20, 2020

We just don’t know a lot about Mary, the young woman who would become the mother of Jesus. We assume from historical records that she was fairly young, perhaps 14 or 15 years old, since that was the age when most young girls became engaged.

Anna: Witness to the Messiah

By R. L. Wilson / November 19, 2020

When Joseph and Mary brought their infant son Jesus to the temple eight days after His birth, they were greeted by two people about whom we know very little—other than the fact that they were at the temple.

And Forgive Us Our Debts

By R. L. Wilson / October 5, 2020

The word translated “debts” in some translations and “trespasses” in others, is the Greek word opheilema. Jon Bloom writes at, “Nearly all of the most credible English translations over…

Hallowed Be Thy Name

By R. L. Wilson / August 25, 2020

To hallow: to make holy, to consecrate (to make or declare something sacred) – Merriam Webster Dictionary. The word “hallow” means to “honor” or “make uncommon”—to “make something special,” we…

Are the Creeds Important for Christians Today?

By JA Show Staff / August 16, 2019

We recently aired a short series with Dr. Gary Habermas regarding the creedal statements found in the New Testament. But why should we really care about those statements or about the creeds used in our churches today (e.g., the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed and others)?

Was Judas Saved?

By Jeff Pallansch / November 15, 2018

Matthew 27:3-4 records, “Judas … was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. ‘I have sinned,’ he said, ‘for I have betrayed innocent blood.’” This verse has caused many to wonder: Does Judas’ remorse and confession of sin indicate that he was saved?

What Is Zion in the Bible?

By Jeff Pallansch / October 26, 2018

With the term “Zion” being popularized today in songs and movies, many wonder what it means. What is the significance of Zion in Scripture?

What Day Is the Sabbath Supposed to Be On?

By Dr. Norman Geisler / July 12, 2018

This commandment states that the seventh day of the week, Saturday, is the day the Lord selected for rest and worship. However, in the New Testa­ment, the Christian church began to worship and rest on the first day of the week, Sunday. Are Christians violating the Sabbath commandment by worshiping on the first day of the week rather than the seventh day? Some Sabbatarian groups, such as Seventh-Day Adventists, think so…

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