Worldview & Culture

The Bible has much to say about how we live within our social and cultural environment.

Christmas Through the Eyes of Simeon

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / November 23, 2020

Simeon is often left out of the Christmas story. He did not visit baby Jesus in the manger. He received no visit from angels. He did not arrive with gifts…

Matthew, the Magi, and the Majesty of Jesus

By Jeff Pallansch / November 23, 2020

The magi (sometimes referred to as the “wise men” or the “three kings”) are a mysterious bunch. Although we are not given many details about them, Matthew (the only biblical…

Angels: What Do They Know?

By R. L. Wilson / November 23, 2020

Many years ago, I shared a house for a time with my youngest brother and sister. During that time my brother got a job with a local company that manufactured…

Mary, What Did You Know

By R. L. Wilson / November 20, 2020

We just don’t know a lot about Mary, the young woman who would become the mother of Jesus. We assume from historical records that she was fairly young, perhaps 14 or 15 years old, since that was the age when most young girls became engaged.

Why Is God Allowing COVID-19?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / October 20, 2020

Over 215,000 Americans and 1.1 million people worldwide have died from COVID-19. In addition, more than 40 million people have tested positive for the coronavirus worldwide. This devastating pandemic has led many to ask why is God allowing COVID-19?

Is Karma Biblical?

By R. L. Wilson / September 22, 2020

In Hinduism and Buddhism, karma is the result of a person’s actions as well as the actions themselves. The actions of a person in this life (and previous lives) impact…

Are Evangelicals Rejecting the Bible’s Teachings on Gender?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / September 17, 2020

A recent Lifeway study reports 1 in 5 evangelicals reject the Bible’s teachings on gender, instead accepting “gender fluidity.” Though 73 percent of American evangelicals disagree gender is a matter…

Rest in Peace

By R. L. Wilson / June 22, 2020

COVID-19 hit just a little too close to home last week when a member of my church died from complications of the disease. I first met Miguel when he was…

The Essential Service of the Church

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / June 1, 2020

During a recent news conference, President Trump stated, “I’m identifying houses of worship ⁠— churches, synagogues and mosques ⁠— as essential places that provide essential services.” What is the essential service of the church?…

Pandemic or Opportunity? Making the Most of Quarantine

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs / May 15, 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to limit travel and other activities, people grow increasingly frustrated. While such restrictions certainly challenged our daily lives, God calls us to make the most…

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